Scholarship Guidelines
The Marathon Yacht Club Educational Foundation (MYCEF) will give $1,000.00 in scholarships to qualified seniors at Marathon High School who will be attending a vocational school or college for Marine Services, Sciences, and Trades. This money is to be used for tuition, books, room and board. The money will be accessible through the bookkeeper in the Marathon High School office.
The scholarships will be presented by an MYC Educational Foundation board member or designee at Marathon High School Class Night, which is the Tuesday before graduation.
First consideration will be given to high school students employed at the Marathon Yacht Club or children of employees of MYC. The applicant will have been involved in a program in the marine area while in high school or have worked in the marine area in Marathon.
The applicant must complete the application steps below and will have applied to and plan to attend a school to further his or her career. Student must show proof of enrollment.
To apply for the MYCEF scholarship, an applicant must compile the following requirements and deliver the completed package on or before April 24:
1. At least one letter of recommendation from a teacher,
2. A letter written by the applicant, between one and two pages, typed using 12 pt. font, responding to the items below:
Name, address, phone number, and email address
Unweighted and weighted GPA
SAT and/or ACT score
List of school activities and clubs
List of the number of hours and description of community service performed while in high school
List of jobs held and description of work experience
List of your goals and chosen field of study
List of any special family circumstances
Description of your work ethic
Why you deserve this scholarship
Mail or deliver applications to:
Marathon Yacht Club Educational Foundation
Attn: Scholarship Committee
825 33rd Street Gulf
Marathon, FL 33050